Message from the Editor June 2017

Written by
Ida Nelson
06 June 2017

Buzzing into Summer!!

All the ice is gone from the lake and the bugs have arrived in full force and everyone is just buzzing around like thirsty mosquitoes. Our Yugestun has been advancing and we’ve been immersing ourselves in Yup’ik and Apapi has an update for you for the month of Peksuut.

Summer vacation has officially started for our students and we ended the school year with our graduating class of one, Dolly Zharoff, Class of 2017! Summer reading club has officially started and Tanya, our Librarian, has some information about Building a Better World! Read, read, read we want to be able to have a banana split party at the end for the back to school potluck. We look forward to it every summer! Quyana Tanya for encouraging our kids to read!

Jeff, our local Farmer John, has received three piggies this year and you can read about it in his article. Renae has written a piece on the bible study group that has stated earlier this spring, she encourages you to attend if you wish and usually she has some coffee, tea & a snack to go with. She has also have written a poem about Pope Vannoy, a place she calls home. Stacy has a wonderful update about our annual village clean up and pictures to follow.

This year was our 4th Annual Goose camp and there are some highlight pictures of the of goose camp. Following that are photos of your favorite people and announcements.

It is the season for boating and adventuring out on the lake and river, please remember to wear your life jackets and always file a boating plan with a friend or family member. Enjoy the sunshine and bugs!

Download the Printable June 2017 Newsletter

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